Homemade Ice Cream

Please consider using arrowroot instead of cornstarch or flour to thicken ice creams. Cornstarch and flour have a raw taste; arrowroot really doesn’t, and thickens at lower temperatures. I mean, really, consider not using a recipe that requires thickening at all (by using non-liquid flavorings, natch), but if you must, sub arrowroot.

From a box sold in Columbiaville, Michigan.

Homemade Ice Cream (as written on the card)

(takes 1 gal. liquid)
3 qts. milk.
3 pts. half + half
3 heaping T. flour
3 T. (level) cornstarch
2 c. gran. sug.
1 c. brn. sug.
2 T. flavoring
pinch of salt
3 eggs

Mix the sugars together. Add flour + cornstarch + salt. Stir in half + half + eggs. Add mixture to hot milk in heavy pan + cook to boiling. Immediately put through strainer + freeze. Stir every half hour if not using an ice-crm. freezer.

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